We updated Facebook, blog, movie of Kyoto Glory Church.

It will start soon!

Put on mask and take a temperature!
Sanitize hands and let's go!

Both adults and kids got excited!

Session 1 began!
Youth members lead the session, acting as MC in Japanese and English,
singing in Japanese and English☆☆☆

Message by Pst. Yoshida

Camp fire!
Praise the Lord outdoor♪

Testimony Time

Online message by Pst. Evgeni of the congregation in Hifa, Israel

Happy Birthday!!☆☆☆

Having a blessed message time, a fire was lit in our faith, too.

Firework Time★★★
It's fun(^^♪

In the morning of the second day, we had devotion time at first.

Message by Pst. Philip in the final session

Long-awaited lunch!
Lunch menu is BBQ & Pizza♪♪

Water Activities!!

"Feeling good☆☆☆" We enjoyed a lot!

We really enjoyed the camp!!
Kids were saying, "we don't want to go home yet."(^_-)-☆