Oct. 7 (Sat.) 2017
"2017 Sukkot celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House of the Water Brooks.

The feast of Sukkot & Autumnal harvest festival

Many people joined from Taiwan, Thailand, Fukui, Nara, and Saitama.
We had wonderful feast of the Lord and fellowship time. Thank God!
-- Building Sukkot --

We roofed with branches of myrtle, palm, olive, and pomegranates.

Pst. John Yoshida

Pst. Kazuhito Yukizawa of Sunrise Christ Church
-- Communion Service --

-- Praise & Worship --

Pst. Philip

Sis. Hitomi Takahashi

-- 2nd Part of the Feast: Fellowship over Meal --

-- 3rd Part of the Feast: Game Time --

Prayer by Pst. Anna Yoshida
