Oct. 22 (Sat.) 2016
"2016 Sukkot celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House
of the Water Brooks.
-- We decolated paintings this year --

Big harvest in 2016! Thank the Lord!

We pray for the peace of Israel!
-- Building Sukkot --

We made Sukkot in autumnal wind.

Let’s put on the roof of Sukkot!

Completion of Sukkot!

People who attended the feast for the first time this year☆

Pst. Philip's family
-- Communion Service --

We had Communion Service using two fish-shaped bread.

-- Worship Time --

Sing & Dance with the sound of shofer!

Mayim♪ Mayim♪

Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. (Isaiah

Pst. John Yoshida

Pst. Kazuhito Yukizawa
-- 2nd Part of the Feast: Fellowship over Meal --

We also had Schnitzel.

Apple cake for eating in the new year in Israel (Rosh Ha Shana)

Plenty of dessert☆

Celebrating the feast by sharing a meal with people from Yamanashi, Fukui,
Shiga, Aichi, Osaka, Kyoto and Thailand.
-- 3rd Part of the Feast: Game Time --

Rock-scissors-paper game!

Rock, scissors, paper. One, two, three!

Prayer giving thanks in Thai

Give thanks to the Lord who blessed the weather! See you next year also!