Sep. 19 (Sat.) 2015
"2015 Sukkot celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House
of the Water Brooks.
-- One New Man --

70 years since the end of War ~ Becoming "One New Man" with brothers
and sisters in Asia.

The Lord blessed the earth, and gave us a bountiful harvest!

We pray for the peace of Israel!

-- Building Sukkot --

Building Sukkot together

From the left Palm, myrtle, tamarisk

Completion of Sukkot!
-- Communion Service --

-- Worship Time --

Singing the praises to the Lord!

-- Testimony of AMF --

Pst. Yoshida

Testimony of Osaka by Pst. Philip

Testimony of Nagasaki by Sis. Obata

Testimony of Hiroshima by Bro. Toyabe

Testimony of Shalom Camp by Sis. Takahashi

Pst. Yukizawa

Pst. Ishiida

-- 2nd Part of the Feast: Fellowship over Meal --
Dishes from Israel and Asian countries

There is salt bread using salt of Israel!

-- 3rd Part of the Feast: Game Time --

We play games this year also! Tasting Japanese tea game!

High & Low game using big cards

Is that the card with the bigger number or the lower number than mine?

All of us played Rock-scissors-paper game together!

We did it!

Sukkot finished with blessing!