Oct. 5 (Sat.) 2013
"2013 Sukkot celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House of the Water Brooks.

A lot of people joined the feast!

Sukkot People who joined the feast for the first time

Challah bread

Reception is here!

Pst. John Yoshida Sukkot started!
-- Building Sukkot --

Completion of Sukkot!
-- Communion Service --

Singing the praises to the Lord!

Pst. Kazuhito Yukizawa Report of "Sukkot in Israel"

-- Fellowship over Meal --

Looks yummy!!

We celebrate the new year with apple honey cake!

-- Game Time --

Shaking game Who can shake oneself the most?

Turbo-Q race!

Give thanks that the Lord protected the weather and blessed the feast!