Oct. 19 (Sat.) 2019
"2019 The Feast of Tabernacles Celebrated by Christians" was

Completion of Sukkah!

The Feast of Tabernacles 2019 "The 4th Wave of the Holy Spirit
― Israel and the Unity of the Body of Christ" will begin!

Pst. John Yoshida

With the sound of Shofar, we sing praises to the Lord!

Praise the Lord~all the nations♪

Pst. Kazuhito Yukizawa of Sunrise Christ Church

Communion Service with an original Challah bread

Pst. Anna, Pst. Yoshida, Pst. Yukizawa, Pst. Philip, and Pst. Miyatani

People who joined the Sukkot for the first time
<Game Time>

We had so much fun playing games!!
<Fellowship over Meal >

Grace at meals

The two fish and five loaves

We give thanks to the Lord for He has blessed the feast!