Sep. 25 (Sat.) 2021
"2021 The Feast of Tabernacles Celebrated by Christians" was

Sukkah for 2021 is built!

This year also, we displayed the fruits and harvest of the land blessed by the Lord!

Challah bread

The Feast of Tabernacles 2021 begins!

Pst. Yoshinori Yoshida of Kyoto Glory Church

Pst. Yehuda Bahana of Netivyah from Israel delivered message via zoom!
We thank God for the teaching from Zion!
The interpreter is Miriam, Evangelist.

Pst. Kazuhito Yukizawa of L'chaym Christian Church

Testimony time "The Feast of Tabernacles and I"

Offerings to be sent to Israel
Thanksgiving prayer for offering by Pst. Philip.

Pst. Yukizawa, Pst. Yoshida and Sis. Takahashi

We hope to celebrate "The Feast of Tabernacles" next year with