Oct. 10 (Sat.) 2009
"2009 Sukkot celebrated by Christians" was held at Prayer House of the Water Brooks.

Flags of Japan and Israel, and the Cross and the graft of olive
Using the scripture of Romans 11...

Vegetables from Hokkaido and Shikoku

Challar bread

Rice we harvested New rice in 2009 made in Keihoku

Wreath of olive

Wreath of myrtle

Kitouin brand "Rivival Water"

The sound of shofar by Pst. Yoshida echoing in Keihoku

Building Sukkot with bamboo

Putting on the roof and completing the Sukkot!

Kyoto Glory Church worship team

Pst. Yoshida

Pst. Yukizawa

Mission report by Sis. Ruka Yoshida
The Lord taught us the current situation of China.

-- 2nd Part of the Feast: Fellowship over Meal --
Table of the Sukkot

Hello from Indonesia!

Fresh squid from Fukui

-- Game Time --
Now! We'll make rice balls which weigh 200g!

Not enough~

Picking Up Beans Game!
